Hilbert College Global Online Blog

6 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

Written by: Hilbert College   •  Mar 18, 2024
A Close up of a Cybersecurity Professional With the Reflection of a Computer Screen on the Lenses of Their Glasses.

6 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

The digital world is evolving, with new technologies impacting business every day. However, this ever-changing digital transformation comes with vulnerabilities, making it crucial to understand the cyberthreats and cybersecurity trends in 2024 and beyond. 

By identifying cybersecurity trends, organizations can better shape their defenses against various forms of digital threats, from sophisticated attacks on cloud networks to AI-derived security challenges. Individuals pursuing an education in the cybersecurity field should also understand cybersecurity trends, as it will allow them to better prepare for success in a dynamic cybersecurity job market. 

Cybersecurity Market and Job Outlook

The cybersecurity market is growing. Management consulting company Gartner projects security and risk management spending will reach $215 billion in 2024, which is 14.3% more than in 2023. However, there is a shortfall of cybersecurity professionals. This gap is further exacerbated by the ongoing need to replace individuals who are leaving the field or the labor force, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

A strong cybersecurity field is essential for effectively combating the evolving digital threat landscape. The field itself needs to grow fast enough to match the increased spending on security and address workforce gaps. As for the future of cybersecurity employment, the BLS projects information security analyst roles will grow by 32% between 2022 and 2032, which is much higher than the U.S. job market as a whole during that same time.

In 2024, cybersecurity trends are heavily influenced by technological advancements and evolving threat landscapes, including different types of cybercrime that continue to evolve and emerge. For organizations that are looking ahead to better safeguard their digital assets, the following key trends are expected to dominate the cybersecurity space.

1. Proactive Security Tools

Organizations should prioritize investing in proactive security tools and technologies to identify digital vulnerabilities and close security gaps. Proactive security includes technologies such as risk-based vulnerability management, attack surface management, security posture tools and attack path management, including penetration testing and breach simulations to enhance their defenses.

2. Zero Trust Architecture

The cybersecurity field may shift significantly toward zero trust architecture in 2024. It encompasses a “never trust, always verify” approach. This means any activity, regardless of the user, their location and the device they use, can be considered unsafe. Therefore, verification is required from everyone. This  zero trust architecture integrates multi-factor authentication, minimal access rights and continuous monitoring to enhance security against both internal and external breaches. 

3. AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Cybersecurity

AI’s dual role has significantly impacted the cybersecurity field, improving efficiency in identifying and responding to cyberthreats while also raising concerns about privacy and AI misuse. 

Cybercriminals can use AI to enhance phishing emails. Large language models can be used in social engineering attacks to impersonate senior executives and high-profile leaders. On the other hand, AI’s role in predictive analysis is crucial for swift threat identification. For effective AI use in cybersecurity, it is essential to use robust security frameworks and skilled professionals who are knowledgeable about AI’s applications.

4. IoT Cybersecurity

The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) increases cyberattack entry points due to its connectivity. In 2024, a priority is to bolster IoT security to ensure data confidentiality and protection. Strategies to fortify IoT cybersecurity include device authentication, advanced encryption, regular software updates, continuous monitoring, mandatory security certifications and integrating AI for anomaly detection.

5. Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity

Quantum computing enables calculations to be addressed and completed at speeds unachievable by classic computers. This advancement threatens to undermine current cryptographic defenses, including RSA and ECC encryption, risking the security of digital communications. Organizations are encouraged to adopt quantum-safe cryptography in preparation for these challenges. Cybersecurity professionals must monitor quantum computing’s evolution and its implications to ensure security.

6. Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity

The adoption of cloud computing has not only facilitated digital scalability and efficiency, but also introduced vulnerabilities. Cloud security solutions include deploying sophisticated threat detection systems, enforcing strict access controls and conducting regular security audits to ensure compliance and mitigate risks. 

Why Earn a Cybersecurity Degree?

Earning a cybersecurity degree is vital in an era where cyberthreats and regulatory demands continue to escalate across finance, health care, technology and other sectors. A bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity prepares individuals to tackle the challenges of addressing increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance. The degree helps students develop a blend of technical and soft skills, covering operating systems, coding, cloud computing and AI defense, alongside communication and professional networking. 

With industries facing increased risks and a significant cybersecurity skills gap, professionals equipped with a cybersecurity degree can be in high demand. Possessing such a degree not only opens career opportunities across numerous sectors, but positions graduates for advancement in a field where the need for skilled experts continues to grow.

Earn Advanced Skills to Help Protect the Digital World

As cybersecurity threats evolve, the need for individuals who hold specialized knowledge and skills has never been greater. For those interested in starting a career in cybersecurity, the online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program from Hilbert College Global is an excellent choice. 

The program covers essential topics to prepare individuals to tackle cybersecurity challenges head-on. Students learn about the latest cybersecurity trends as well as technical and soft skills. Graduates are well-equipped to advance in the cybersecurity field and become a partner to organizations that are looking to keep their digital assets secure.

Learn more about the BS in Cybersecurity program from Hilbert College Global—and take the first step toward a career focused on protecting the digital landscape of today and tomorrow.

Recommended Readings

NOC Engineer Job Description and Salary

Phishing Prevention Tips for Older Adults

Cybersecurity vs. Computer Science: What Is the Difference?


Forbes, “Eight Cybersecurity Trends To Watch For 2024”

Gartner, “Gartner Forecasts Global Security and Risk Management Spending to Grow 14% in 2024”

ISACA, “Tracking the Evolving Cybersecurity Jobs Landscape for 2023” 

LinkedIn, “The Top 7 Cybersecurity Trends for 2024”

TechTarget, “9 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2024”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Information Security Analysts”

World Economic Forum, “Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024”

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